Monday, March 23, 2009

Sass on the web: Official website launch in 3...2... Wednesday!

Sass on the web: Official website launch in 3...2... Wednesday!

Yo! That's right, it's officially here! You've waited, you've whined, and guess what? I actually listened! and/or will be officially up and flying on Wednesday, March 25, 2009!!! So click on over and browse around!!!

Don't forget to sign up for the Sassy email newsletter to keep up with the latest on my misadventures. Find my other social networking sites, check out my blog, see me in action in the studio and on stage, and find out where and when I'll be performing.

You'll find all the usual links on the site, like bio, pics, music, production info and client profiles, but be looking for some unorthodox cool stuff. here's a preview roadmap:

A childhood cancer resource page linking to great parental support and patient care pages, as well as a list of my supported charities, and their happenings! get involved! I'm a huge proponent of volunteer efforts and fundraising, so I highly encourage you to visit the charities page and open your heart, your wallet and your efforts. Heaven knows we need all the help we can get right now! It feels so wonderful to give back and help one another out, so if you don't know how to get started, you're sure to find something there that works for you. You don't have to be rich, or retired to have enough time or money to help out, I promise. You'll find something there that you can do!

A page for all things Yoga, crystal and aromatherapy related: articles and writings on Yoga, teas, crystalworking, energywork, spirituality, organic healthy eating, book reviews, great places to find yoga-life friendly products and services, and other cool Yogic lifestyle tidbits

Read sample chapters from my memoirs, as well as official lyrics to my songs. Keep up with my ceramics and other artwork I do for fun, too.

blind ambition: A page dedicated to providing answers to frequently asked questions regarding blindness in the work-place, with a special spot for blind musicians to find all kinds of great resources. Info on everything from Guide Dogs to braille, and new technology... you'll find it there.

Instrument FAQ: Questions, answers and commentary on all things acoustic instrument-related. We'll tackle everything from instrument care and maintenance to picking the right instrument and accessories, to preparing yourself and your gear to hit the studio or the stage.

The audio files: Info on all things cool audio gear related. I'm a gear junky, and I'm always trying to get my hands on the latest gadgets, gismos and goodies of my industry. Here's my feedback, fave articles, and opinions good and bad.

The Scottish haven: Tons of cool harp links, scottish lore pages, pages you need to know about if you're in the Celtic community, recipes, Scottish Gàidhlig articles, links to other awesome Celtic artists, you get the idea.

Please be patient as it will take us some time to get everything up and looking pretty for your perusing pleasure. but it's gonna be fabulous once it's all going! Come check it out, and have fun exploring! See you there!

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